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Workshops and Continuing education for professionals (DV, HT, LGBTIQ+).

Survivors Pathway offers training, workshops and continuing education for professionals on the following areas of expertise:

1. LGBTQIA+ Issues and Challenges:

Sensitivity Training:

This interactive training was designed to assist participants in gaining knowledge and understanding about the complexity of the terminology, culture, values and symbolisms that make up of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans-identified, queer and intersexual communities. Furthermore, participants will become aware of the daily challenges that these communities face in their socialization process and accessing different services.


2). Intimate Partner Violence:


Sensitivity and Competency Training

This interactive training was designed to assist participants in gaining knowledge on the theories, statistics and technical aspects regarding intimate partner violence among LGBT communities will be exposed and analyzed in depth. This training will also offer the opportunity to participants who work for health care and law enforcement organizations to access different ideas and knowledge that can lead them to make their services more inclusive.

3). Healthy Relationships

This training is aimed at assisting participants at improving knowledge and competency regarding the cultural and psychological challenges and issues that affect LGBT individuals older than forty years old in their process of establishing healthy intimate relationships.

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